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FIFA president Sepp Blatter after 17 years in power due to flash FIFA bribery scandal resigned, major sponsors have said that this is the right decision, and called for FIFA to take action quickly, to win back public trust.

According to reports, Coca-Cola said the decision to Blatter to resign is "for the sports, football and the fans a good positive move." Buy fifa 16 coins FIFA last week warned the scandal if sustained, may withdraw sponsorship of the leading credit card company Visa said Blatter to resign is an important first step in rebuilding Cheap fifa 16 coins public trust. Coca-Cola and Visa and a number of multinational companies one year estimated at $ 30 million sponsorship of FIFA, and therefore entitled to its own goods in the football match.

Over the past two years, there are many sponsors criticized FIFA reported on mismanagement and bribery scandal, because they fear an injury to their own sponsorship and brand image. FIFA other sponsor partners include Adidas, Gazprom, Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors and Budweiser.


Under investigation before FIFA executive committee Chuck Blazer acknowledged taking bribes in World Cup bid vote, incidents involving the 1998 World Cup and 2010 FIFA World Cup. But he did not disclose the specific amount of bribes.

Blazer is American, it was in 1996 - as the FIFA executive committee in 2013 between. He Cheap fifa 16 coins admitted that he and others in the Executive Committee agreed to accept a bribe, so that South Africa's bid to host the 2010 World Cup. The bribery from about 2004 and continued until 2011. Blazer also said that in the Buy fifa 16 coins 1998 World Cup in France in the bidding process, he also accepted bribes. In addition to the World Cup, he also referred to the CONCACAF Gold Cup in North America and the Caribbean, distributed through bribery Gold Cup coverage and other benefits. According to him, 1996,1998,2000,2002 and 2003 involving at least five events.

Adenomyosis is uterine thickening that occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, moves into the outer muscular walls of the uterus. Most women have some adenomyosis as they near menopause but few women have symptoms.


Adenomyosis has two different forms:


The first type appears as solid tumors and are called Adenomyomas. This form of the condition is localized and is an encapsulated collection of endometrial cells with well defined borders. They appear much like fibroids and are often mistaken as such. Many can be safely removed from the uterus, but depending on size and location can the culprit of hysterectomy.


The second type is the diffuse disease that spreads out within the uterine myometrium. Diffuse adenomyosis is more common. As the endometrial cells invade the organ, the uterus becomes enlarged and hardened, making pelvic exams and intercourse very painful. At the cellular level, the uterine muscle cells are being damaged as the disease spreads and eventually will lose their ability to stretch and contract. This is the main reason for the high rate of miscarriages during the 2nd and early 3rd trimester of pregnancy.


Adenomyosis is a common reason that can cause infertility. If you are suffering adenomyosis, your doctor can tell you which type of adenomyosis you have. In general, diffuse adenomyosis is more common. How to treat diffuse adenomyosis?


Herbal medicine for adenomyosis could be a better choice. Fuyan Pill has been used in Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic for over years and has already successfully cured thousands of sufferers with diffuse adenomyosis. As the formula of Fuyan Pill is strictly controlled, it's a very safe herbal remedy with no side effect.

source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Adenomyosis/2013/0327/428.html

Adenomyosis is also called internal endometriosis beecause it is a type of endometriosis. The true meaning of adenomyosis is the growth of endometrial tissue or the tissue that lines the wall of the uterus into the uterine muscle layer or myometrium. Rahim becomes large because the blood collected in the menstrual cycle in muscle tissue of the uterus. Because of swelling in one place is called adenomyoma same with tumors of the uterus.

The difference between uterine fibroids with adenomyosis is adenomyosis results in local swelling of the lining of the uterus due to the growth of endometrial tissue that is not normal. While uterine fibroids occur because of abnormal cells are exposed to the influence of the hormone estrogen to proliferate.

Symptoms of adenomyosis

A woman sometimes do not feel any symptoms whether or not he was exposed to adenomyosis. Common symptoms of adenomyosis are usually pelvic pain and menstrual abnormalities and many, and symptoms of an enlarged uterus. The pain is felt during a menstrual cramps are painful. At the time of menstruation sometimes bleed a lot and the old. This causes the red blood cell deficiency or anemia.

Effect of adenomyosis

Until now there is no facts to prove that adenomyosis affects the level of fertility and pregnancy. However, adenomyosis may cause reduced fertility of a woman. The relationship between infertility and adenomyosis have a close connection whether or not it still needs further investigation.

Diagnosis of adenomyosis

Sometimes adenomyosis be found as well as surgical removal of the uterus or when a woman gives birth with cesarean section. However, to determine whether a woman has adenomyosis or could not be diagnosed by x-ray examination called a hysterosalpingogram or pelvic area. This would be more accurate if it is followed by an MRI examination the pelvic region. A woman who experienced abnormal bleeding need to be alert to the emergence of adenomyosis. Because sometimes unusual bleeding is only considered to be hormonal abnormalities.

Medications to reduce symptoms of adenomyosis

Abnormal bleeding with pain accompanied by a very able use of GnRH agonist drugs where the drug can cause such as menopause and stop menstruating and ovarian function. However, these drugs have side effects such as hot flashes, bone loss and increase bad cholesterol in the blood. For the last way is by lifting adenomyos is eliminate part or all of the affected uterine adenomyosis by herbs. If only partially removed remains are not allowed to get pregnant again. For every woman that was supposed to always memeriksaan themselves to the nearest health department to find out whether there is or is not in her uterus adenomyosis .

source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Adenomyosis/2011/1214/98.html

1. Infertility
About 50% of endometriosis patients are infertile. Among all women with infertility, 30 to 40 percent of them suffer endometriosis. For women who have both endometriosis and infertility, the infertility is often caused by pelvic adhesions, pelvic fluid, tubal blockage, imcomplete development of follicle, ovulation failure, etc..Even getting pregnant can help restrain and even counter the developing of endometriosis, habitual abortion in some cases is caused by endometriosis.

2. Pain with menses
This symptom can be progressive, and this is a typical sign of endometriosis. Most patients doesn’t suffer any pain with menses but it occurs once endometriosis occurs, and the pain often aggravates with the cycle carries on. The pain can also occur before or after menstrual period on a small group of patients. Some may have extremely severe pain that they cannot even get up and painkillers are needed. In China, however, it is reported that there’re still 21% of patients don’t have any pain even they have endometriosis.

3. Periodical rectal discomfort
Periodical rectal discomfort seldom occur on other gynecological diseases, thus it is one of the major distinction of this condition. Symptoms may include: rectal pain, anal pain, bulge feeling at perineum area, urge for bowel movement, increased times of bowel movement. These symptoms aggravates with the menatrusl cycle carries on as well, and may ease after menstrual period.

4. Irregular menses
Women with endometriosis may have a shorter or longer menstrual cycle, and a heavy flow. Irregular menses is not a typical symptom of endometriosis so it’s not significant when diagnosing this condition.

5. Pain with sex
This symptom occur on some patients whose lesion develops near the vagina, Douglas pouch, or under the uterus.

6. Acute abdominal diseases before or after menses
ABDs often occur on women whose lesion grows in the uterus, and the lesion can break through ovary. Emergency operation is occasionally needed. The surgery may probably be helpful as well as destructive, because possible pelvic adhesion and scar tissue which develops after surgery cause recurrence of ABDs.

7. Periodical lower abdominal discomfort
This is a more common symptom than pain with menses. Endometriosis patients who don’t have any pain with menses may suffer from lower abdominal discomfort. This often occurs on those whose condition is very slight. Some of the endometriosis sufferers doesn’t develop pain with menses but they may experience from lower back pain with menses and bulge feeling of lower abdomen.

8. Periodical pain at local lump
If the lesion develops at any abdominal scar or navel, local lump with pain may occur.

9. Enlarged uterine
Inner endometriosis (adenomyosis) patients often have a enlarged uterus, but seldom larger than 12 weeks pregnancy. If this condition occurs on women with retroposition of uterus, adhesions is often found on them.

10. Periodical bladder irritation
When the lesion grows near or even inside the the muscle of bladder, urgent and frequent need of urination may occur. If it grows in the mucous membrane of urinary bladder, perodical blood in urine and pain with urination may occur.

11. Small hard knottings at Douglas pouch, Douglas' lieaments, or posterior cervical wall
One or more hard knottings can be found at Douglas pouch, Douglas' lieaments, or posterior cervical wall, their sizes are always very small(3-5mm diameter). Patient can feel pain when touch the knotting especially via rectal exam. For women with ovarian cyst, their cysts can grow as big as a fist. Pelvic adhesions is commonly found on this case.

source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Endometriosis/2013/0906/115.html

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