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PID is a disease with low incident rate. Because the defensive function in female genital system is normally able to resist bacterial invasion. Only when the immunity of orgasm decreased can lead to PID.

Prompt treatment is necessary to prevent further progress and damage of the disease. Go to see a doctor even the symptom is mild in case of delay of the treatment. Symptoms in PID include extrautertine pregnancy, infertility, dysmenorrhea, painful intercourse and pelvic adhesion. Any of these will have a profound impact on quality of life.

Female should draw attention to the signs given from body, such as frequent fatigues, leukorrhagia, frequent urination, painful lower abdomen, worsen around menstruation. You should be alert if any of such symptoms occurs ,because that may be the sign of PID.  The white collar should pay more attention to this as sedentariness may also lead to chronic pelvic hyperemia which is one of the cause of PID.

Fuyan Pill is a good choice to treat PID. The function of which include clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation and dissolving stasis. Of the formula Scutellaria baicalensis, honeysuckle, and fructus forsythia are to clear away heat and toxic materials. Preach seed and Flos carthami are to promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis. Bupleurum and Costustoot are to relieve liver for smoothing Qi.  Chinese yam, ginseng , and Chinese angelica are to tonify Qi. Bighead atractylodes rhizome,  rhizoma atractylodis, and talc are to invigorate spleen and supplement Qi. All these materials combined to clear Fallopian tubes, prevent fibrosis at connective tissues, remove adhesion between pelvic organs and relieve pain. In terms of treating PID, Fuyan Pill well interprets the concept of TCM, which is searching the primary cause of disease in treatment. Thus PID could be radically cured.

source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Pelvic_Inflammatory_Disease/2013/0730/96.html


Male infertility can be caused by prostatitis and other genital diseases

Genital organs for men including genitals, accessory gland, epididymis and testicles can be infected by bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma, virus and other inflammation, leading inflammation to those organs. Epididymitis, especially chronic epididymitis commonly occurs with chronic prostatitisand chronic seminal vesiculitis. During the inflammatory period, the tube of epididymis will become slim and even blocked. When two tubes are blocked, infertility happens.

Prostatitis, especially chronicprostatitis is a common disease for men. When this disease becomes severest, men can experience impotence, premature ejaculation and so on, thus, men’s reproductive ability can be affected greatly. It is easy for seminal vesiculitis turns into chronic type. This disease commonly occurs with chronic prostatitis and other chronic genital diseases, thus, it is easy to relapse.
Prostatitis, no matter is caused by virus or bacterial infection, can affect spermatogenic ability, especially when there are bacteria in semen, thus, men's reproductive ability can be affected greatly.
Orchitis is complication of epididymitis. When orchitis becomes severe, it will develop into epididymo-orchitis. No matter inflammation is from testicles and other systems, it will hurt testicles. Testicles are factory of sperm, thus, if two testicles are damaged the reproductive ability is damaged.
Epididymitis and chronic prostatitis commonly occurs with chronic prostatitis and seminal vesiculitis. If this disease cannot be cured timely, inflammation can form scars and make it slim and even blocked it. Thus, if the two tubes are blocked, the reproductive ability is damaged.
Genital diseases can be cured by herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This herbal medicine has advantages such as promoting blood circulation, improving Qi, dissipating hard lumps; dissolving stasis and even releasing Pain. This herbal medicine also has advantages such as improving self-healing ability.

What are the treatment options for necrospermia?

Necrospermia is a disease that men has less of mature normal sperms or more of dead sperms. This is one of the common causes of male factor infertility. Many men feel helpless when facing this condition. However, some treatments for necrospermia can be available.

1. Free Radial Scavangers: These are drug to reduce the free damaging oxidative radical in the testis. For your information every minute lot of oxidant radicals are generated inside the testis which damages sperm forming cells. These special antioxidant drugs scavange these damaging oxidative free radicals thus leading to production of normal sperms by the testis. In many study these free radical scavengers have been found to be very-very effective in curing dead sperms.
2. Herbal medicine. Necrospermia can be caused by many factors such as inflammatory diseases. In addition, infection of uro-genital tract may affect sperm production. Repeated bouts of infections are one of the common causes associated with male infertility. In this situation, herbal medicine could be a better treatment treatment for this condition. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill as a typical herbal treatment for necrospermia caused by these factors, it can help men to form normal sperm. What’s more, herbal medicine doesn’t have any side effects.
3. Coenzyme ubique: These drugs improve the nutritional status of the testis. Thus testis as well as sperm forming cells get enough nutrient which helps in fast generation of normal sperms in good number with good motility & fertilizing capacity.
In a word, you should choose right treatment for necrospermia depending on your personal condition. Herbal medicine could be the safest remedy in these treatments.

記録された歴史は、おそらく-and以来、女性の前と男性は香りを身に油を注がれている。これは、ゼニア アウトレット
エジプトの支配女王クレオパトラ、ネフェルティティとハトシェプストエキゾチックな香水の豊富なバットを持っていたと言われています。歴史はまた、チャー ルズ2世の男性の統治の間に、多くの場合pomanders、またはアクセサリーとして香りの「nosegays」を実施していることを指摘している。年 間を通して香水は魅力的な装飾品として使われていなかっただけでなく、体臭を放散する。今日の基準によって、過去の個人衛生が著しく欠けていた!

私たちの時代では、女性の香水、男性用のコロンは、グルーミングの重要な部分であると考えられている。酔わせる、エルメネジルド アウトレット
手招き、エレガントなレディス香水は、カタログを通じて小売店、インターネット上で、唯一の香りを運ぶ、専門店で購入した、または免税の国際空港でのこと ができます」のお店。すべての香水は「ノート」、または特定の香りを中心に構築されている。最も微細な香りは、単一の香水を形成するために結合、(最強) 上中下のメモをすべて持っている。トップノートはフローラル、素朴な、麝香、草が茂った、またはシトラスベースのものであってもよい。フランスの偉大な parfumiersジャンPATOUの家からココ·シャネル、ワース、ゲランの家からシャリマーの家から帝Reviens、と喜びの家によってシャネ ル#5のようなトップノートの香りを不死化。実際には、喜びは半分オンス100ドルUSDで、世界で最も高価な香水です。

誰も、少なくとも何が彼の名前を人間が知らない、あるいエルメネジルド アウトレット




記 事では、トラッピングと小学生の間に動物を殺し始めた政治家/トラッパーは、ためにアラスカに行ったことを教えてくれる「アラスカ内部のトラップラインを 実行の生涯の夢を生きる」。彼は彼が彼のラインだけでなく、オオヤマネコを誘惑望ん言ったが、オオカミやクズリにも。彼らが地域にいる場合は、トラップ は、それらの意図犠牲者をキャプチャするだけでなく、無差別のデバイスではなく、他の動物にも、含めて犬や猫である。彼は、オオカミやクズリを取得してい ない、とだけは1ミンクを殺した。 「私が最初に考えた、「彼は覚えている、「私たちが毎日何十をキャッチすることができるはずだった。"残念ながらトラッパーのために、ミンクは雪や氷の下 に移動した。

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