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A testimonial of chronic prostatitis that is cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill within 7 months

Name: Mr. Chen 

Gender: male
Symptoms: redness on urethral orifice, pain on lower back, white blood cell in prostatic fluid is 12-14 /hpf, RLLXT: ++, heterogeneous echo in prostate
Consulting time: 2013.01.01
Treating courses: 7 months treatment with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill 
After 15 days’ treatment with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, Mr. Chen claimed ‘the pain in lower back becomes better, but the redness on urethral orifice is still there. Moreover, there are burning on the bottom.’ Dr. Lee asked him to continue the treatment since he only accepted this treatment for half a month and reminded him to build a regular sexual life.  
The symptom - pain in lower back was getting better, but the redness on urethral orifice was just as same as before. Then, Doctor Lee asked him to continue the treatment, avoid holding urine and take a short break every per hour.  
There still was no improvement on the redness. Mr. Chen was told to take protected sex. What’s more, because the urethra mucous membrane needs time to recover, he was asked to add 30g more gleditsia thorn into his formula.
Mr. Chen stopped the treatment around two months because of the job changing. He began the treatment from the date on 2014-05-23 again. After one month treatment, the redness is gone. However, this symptom which is severer than before came back again after one sex intercourse. Therefore, Mr. Chen was told to avoid sex and cigarette when he was on this treatment.
All the symptoms he had had were gone, including the redness on urethral orifice and lower back pain. What’s more, all the tests he accepted in hospital showed normal. Mr. Chen got a cure.

The clinical case - Symptoms of frequency, urgency and nocturia have been cured

Name: Mr. Liu

Gender: Male
Age: 60 years old 
Treatment time: 2014.03
Statement: He was tortured by the symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, terminal dribbling, lower abdominal pain, back pain, swelling of the lower legs, urinating 3 to 4 times at night, urinating once an hour in the daytime, and excreting three times a day. 
Western medicine examination test: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is 5.0 higher than normal level. Red blood cell volume is 78.7, which means this volume is lower than normal volume. Urinary PH is 5.0, which means it is lower than normal levels. Serum Phosphorus is 0.79, which means it is lower than normal levels. 
Before contacting with Dr. Lee Xiaoping, Mr. Liu had been treated at hospital for a period of time. However, there was no obvious effect, and the symptoms were easy to be recurrent. Fortunately, his son found Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic, and consulted Dr. Lee for diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for his father.
After reading the test, Dr. Lee analyzed that there was no need to worry about the BUN index, because BUN can be affected by many factor, such as high-protein diet, metabolism, infection, etc. The corpuscular volume is lower, which means that the size of red blood cells is slightly smaller than normal. If the total number of red blood cells and hemoglobin are normal, Mr. Liu should not be so nervous. Besides, the lower serum phosphorus can be caused by hyperparathyroidism, the deficiency of vitamin D, malabsorption of phosphorus and Malabsorption index can be normal through daily diet intake. 
According to the other symptoms of frequency, urgency, nocturia in Mr. Liu, Dr. Lee recommended Mr. Liu to take one course of diuretic anti-inflammatory pill first. In addition, so Dr. Lee added additional formula to release frequency, urgency, nocturia for him because of his serious symptoms. 
Result: After one month treatment, Mr. Liu told Dr. Lee that he felt changes, his symptoms like frequency and urgency were improved significantly. Besides, the times of urination at night was reduced. The pain in abdomen existed as well, but it was relieved than before. So, he continued another month treatment. 
After 3 months treatment, he called Dr. Lee and told all his symptoms were disappeared, and all indicators were normal. At last, he ordered one more course to consolidate curative effect.

Chronic prostatitis for four years has been cured

A medical record of a patient who suffered from chronic prostatitis for four years

Name: XuPengFei 
Gender: male 
Age: 40 years old 
Treatment Time: 2011.8.3
Chief complaint: recurred urinary frequency and urgency, perineal pain
Medical history: 
The patient suffered from urinary frequency and urgency, perineal pain four years ago. The local hospital disgnosed that he had Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, prescribed antibiotics(The dosage and course of treatment are unknown). Then symptoms got better. But during the last four years, the symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency came back. In the recent month, he felt that the symptoms got worse. So he came to our clinic and took treatment.
Accessory examination: none
TCM prescription: Take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for three courses
The process of treatment:
After taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for two months, the symptoms of urinary frequency and pain got alleviated. The pain in perineum reduced. Only the left thigh had mild radiation pain. The symptoms got improved.
The urinary frequency and pain gone. No perineal pain. The lower abdomen has mild pain. By the local hospital check prostate normal routine. The routine test of prostate reported normal. Symptoms disappeared, prostate tested normal, these indicates that the chronic prostatitis was basically healed. 
No urinary frequency, urgency and pain. No perineal pain. No pain in lower abdomen. All symptoms went away. The chronic prostatitis was completely cured. He said that he never imagined that he can be cured!

The clinical case - Symptoms of frequency, urgency and nocturia have been cured

Name: Mr. Liu

Gender: Male
Age: 60 years old 
Treatment time: 2014.03
Statement: He was tortured by the symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, terminal dribbling, lower abdominal pain, back pain, swelling of the lower legs, urinating 3 to 4 times at night, urinating once an hour in the daytime, and excreting three times a day. 
Western medicine examination test: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is 5.0 higher than normal level. Red blood cell volume is 78.7, which means this volume is lower than normal volume. Urinary PH is 5.0, which means it is lower than normal levels. Serum Phosphorus is 0.79, which means it is lower than normal levels. 
Before contacting with Dr. Lee Xiaoping, Mr. Liu had been treated at hospital for a period of time. However, there was no obvious effect, and the symptoms were easy to be recurrent. Fortunately, his son found Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic, and consulted Dr. Lee for diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for his father.
After reading the test, Dr. Lee analyzed that there was no need to worry about the BUN index, because BUN can be affected by many factor, such as high-protein diet, metabolism, infection, etc. The corpuscular volume is lower, which means that the size of red blood cells is slightly smaller than normal. If the total number of red blood cells and hemoglobin are normal, Mr. Liu should not be so nervous. Besides, the lower serum phosphorus can be caused by hyperparathyroidism, the deficiency of vitamin D, malabsorption of phosphorus and Malabsorption index can be normal through daily diet intake. 
According to the other symptoms of frequency, urgency, nocturia in Mr. Liu, Dr. Lee recommended Mr. Liu to take one course of diuretic anti-inflammatory pill first. In addition, so Dr. Lee added additional formula to release frequency, urgency, nocturia for him because of his serious symptoms. 
Result: After one month treatment, Mr. Liu told Dr. Lee that he felt changes, his symptoms like frequency and urgency were improved significantly. Besides, the times of urination at night was reduced. The pain in abdomen existed as well, but it was relieved than before. So, he continued another month treatment. 
After 3 months treatment, he called Dr. Lee and told all his symptoms were disappeared, and all indicators were normal. At last, he ordered one more course to consolidate curative effect.

代替羽毛アレルギーや喘息に苦しむ人々のために非常に重要である。彼らはよエルメネジルドゼニア 店舗く離れて、ゴミの家ダニを保有して洗浄することができません羽やダウンなどの寝具のための自然な充填剤、から維持する必要があります。幸いなことに、私たちはアクリルおよび低刺激性のポリエステル繊維から作られた代替案を選択することができます。

正 しい密度における人工フィリングは、同じように暖かく、羽のような居心地の良いことができ、簡単にあなたのマシンでそれらを洗うことができるので、彼らは 大きな利点がある。あなたがアレルゲンに敏感なまたは喘息を持っている場合綿密な寝具の衛生は絶対必要です。ここではアクリル、あなたが新鮮できれいなあ なたのベッドを保つためのポリエステル満たされた布団の選択は、次のとおりです。

トミーヒルフィガーダウン代替掛け布団を30オンスで豪華に柔らかく、風通 http://www.itariaautorettjp.comし の良いです。ダウンのような低刺激性のポリエステル繊維充填。カバーは、より耐久性になり、うまくトミーヒルフィガーの刺繍のタッチで終了した白いひも状 のステッチとクラシックなダークブルーの色です。これは、今年のいつでも使用するのに適している軽量の白い掛け布団です。あなたは冷たい水で低泡に中性洗 剤を洗うことができ、空気が乾燥しなければならない。

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